
Alchemy’s Submission Categories and Guidelines:

Alchemy is your voice as members of the FHASS and Sheridan community. Accordingly, Alchemy’s content — particularly in the newsletter’s Features, Spotlight, and Hub sections — comes directly from you. If you have an idea for a story or feature, please contact the editorial team (glenn.clifton[at] or owen.percy[at] to confer and discuss the piece well in advance of the submission deadline to allow for the scheduling and content management of each issue. Submissions for Cool Stuff can be made at any time up to the submission deadline to any member of the editorial staff without consultation.

Submission Deadlines:

Fall: Last week of November

Winter: Last week of March

Submitted pieces will be edited in consultation with the author before being published. Please note that you are responsible for securing/confirming permission to publish your work in Alchemy if it is forthcoming or has already been published elsewhere (incl. photographs).

Below are Alchemy’s proposed categories and guidelines for submission. They won’t all appear in every issue, but represent a rotating stable of categories that will appear in accordance with submitted content; we also welcome unique ideas or pieces that might not fit comfortably into or between these categories, so please contact the editors with any questions related to genre or relevance.

All word counts are approximate and negotiable; they are meant as guidelines, not laws.

Features (750-2000 words)

This section consists of specific pieces related to ongoing or upcoming issues and topics relevant to FHASS as a whole. Features is a space where authors can share their current research, promote their ongoing initiatives, report on student activities and successes, and discuss ideas or developments relevant to what we do as a Faculty. Articles about pedagogy within our Faculty, institution, and respective fields are also welcome.

Ex. personal essays, opinion or research pieces, excerpts from upcoming or recent SoTL projects, reports on successful techniques or approaches, excerpts from current research or professional activity etc.

Faculty and Staff Spotlight (500-1000 words)

This section is designed to feature the work and profile of one or two faculty or staff members per issue as a means of introducing, updating, or checking in with their colleagues in the Faculty.

Ex. administrative projects, ‘getting to know you’ questionnaires, accomplishments, experiences, and aspirations, advice and/or philosophies on teaching/research

Student Spotlight (500-1000 words)

This section is designed to highlight the fruits of our labours as a Faculty by publishing student profiles and examples of student and alumni excellence in FHASS. It is designed to familiarize students, staff, and faculty alike with FHASS’s diversity of experience in and across Schools and programs.

Ex. excerpts from award-winning papers or projects, student achievements and initiatives, ‘getting to know you’ questionnaires, accomplishments, experiences, and aspirations, advice and/or philosophies on success within FHASS

Cool Stuff (25-200 words)

This section is a hodge-podge of links and directions to online content relevant to members of the FHASS community, ideas, articles, events, new publications, conferences, PD activities, etc.

Ex.  outside articles featuring faculty, staff or students, websites, conference CFPs and schedules, book reviews, relevant press releases, etc.

The Hub

This section is reserved for the products that emerge from the active intersection of creative and critical practice in whatever form they might take. It is designed as a fluid spot in the newsletter where members of the FHASS community can publish creative work emerging out of their private and/or professional practice.

Ex. poems, scenes, stories/sketches, photographs, illustrations, personal essays or reflections, comics, designs, art, etc.