From the Dean’s Office

Warmest greetings, colleagues! My heart is full as I contemplate how much we have accomplished this past year, together. Despite another whirlwind year filled with unpredictability and uncertainty, innovation and creativity continue to thrive in the Faculty of Humanities… Read More
CW&P Welcomes 2021-2022 Writer-in-Residence Adam Pottle!

The Fall 2021 semester saw FHASS and the Honours Bachelor of Creative Writing & Publishing welcome multi-hyphenate artist Adam Pottle as our writer-in-residence. In addition to holding a PhD in English, Adam is a poet, novelist, and librettist,… Read More
“An Experience Worth Wanting:” An Interview with Peter Grevstad

Professor Grevstad launched a new breadth elective in LBGTQ+ Studies this Fall—the first such course at Sheridan, and one of the first at an Ontario college. Alchemy: Can you tell me a little bit about why this is… Read More
Danielle Freitas wins CSSE Doctoral Award!

Each year, the Canadian Society for the Study of Education and the Canadian Association for Teacher Education (CATE) recognize significant contributions to research in teacher education in Canada. Dr. Danielle Freitas (AD) received this award for 2021, for her doctoral thesis,… Read More
Peter Galambos Champions COIL
On Monday, November 1st, Sheridan hosted the online webinar event A Faculty Perspective on COIL: A Sheridan Experience. It was the first in a series of webinars hosted by Sheridan as part of International Education Week. In many… Read More
Alireza Sobhanmanesh Wins E-Campus Grant!

Professor Alireza Sobhanmanesh has been working on a project which received $74,130 in funding from E-Campus Ontario. The project includes designing a course that aims to enhance advanced-level ESL learners’ language learning motivation, in addition to teaching them… Read More
Sheridan Creativity Profs Tackle Vaccine Confidence

Professors Nathaniel Barr and Michael McNamara have been hard at work on two NSERC grants for their work targeting vaccine misinformation. Their most recent project, Equipping Citizens to Promote Vaccine Confidence in Canada, aims to equip Canadians that have… Read More
In Case You Missed It: FHASS 2020-2021 Highlights Video!

Despite the challenges of the pandemic, FHASS has kept achieving goals and building community. This Fall, FHASS edited a video for Sheridan Central to showcase the accomplishments of the previous year. If you missed it when it was… Read More
Professor Alex Hollenberg Makes CBC Poetry Longlist!

Kudos to FHASS professor Alexander Hollenberg, whose poem Cod Jigging Near Twillingate made the 2021 CBC Poetry Prize Longlist! Hollenberg was inspired by an experience of cod-fishing on his honeymoon. As he explains in his interview with the… Read More
Joel Lopata and Nathaniel Barr publish on Creativity in Education

Congratulations to Professors Joel Lopata and Nathaniel Barr, who have had a paper accepted to a special issue of Translational Issues in Psychology Science! The article, Dual-modes of Creative Thought in the Classroom: Implications of Network Neuroscience for… Read More