Meet Monique Patrick (Program Support Specialist)

Photo: Monique Patrick
Monique Patrick was thrilled to join Sheridan College in June 2015 as a Program Support Specialist. After obtaining a BA (Hons) in Communications from the University of Windsor, Monique hit the ground running and aimed at using her skills to break into the corporate world and make an impact. She gained a great deal of corporate communications and marketing experience while employed at the Hospital for Sick Children and Trillium College. She also devoted her time as a volunteer Web Content Writer for Lymphoma Canada.
Since earning additional certification in Digital Media skills (and currently pursuing certification in Business Analysis), Monique has been an avid believer in constant personal and professional development. When she is not supporting the faculty and students here at Sheridan, she is coaching a soccer program for toddlers and pre-school children with Little Kickers Toronto and enjoying life with her daughter.
In her spare time you may find Monique on an outdoor track (weather permitting), doing yoga, reading, wine tasting, stargazing, bachata dancing, cooking, or on the hunt for great live band performances.
Monique Patrick answers Alchemy’s Proust Questionnaire:
Favourite virtue: Authenticity — being true to yourself.
Most important lesson I’ve learned this year: There is beauty in the struggle.
My idea of complete misery: Doing the same repetitive, mundane tasks over and over to no avail. Like a hamster stuck in a wheel going nowhere fast.
My favourite word: Giggle. I don’t think I have ever said this word without smiling.
My least favourite word: Girth.
My favourite quotation, motto, or phrase: Live without pretending, love without depending, listen without defending, speak without offending.
Language I’d love to be able to speak: I would love to speak fluent Spanish. According to Duolingo I am 39% there!
A country/place I’d like to visit: Tahiti, more specifically Bora Bora. It has always been my dream destination.
My favourite literary character: Santiago from The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.
My favourite food/meal and drink: I LOVE food so there is absolutely no way I can choose one. It’s definitely a five way tie: bacon, chicken wings, tacos, spaghetti and ackee and saltfish with fried dumplings. As for drinks, wine is always a winner.
My favourite painter/artist: Vakseen, he places a modern twist on pop art referred to as “vanity pop.” His paintings literally bring the idolization of female beauty to life in a vivid way. I am always in awe of his work.
My favourite singer/musician and song: Mary J. Blige… “Real Love” stands out to me. Sure wish she would come to Toronto and perform everything pre-2000…