Jessica Pulis and Alex Hollenberg win SSHRC Explore Grant

Drs. Pulis and Hollenberg were recently awarded a SSHRC Explore Grant – the only Explore Grant awarded at Sheridan College this year. Their research, in collaboration with the Elizabeth Fry Society of Peel-Halton, Ellen House, the Vanier Centre… Read More

Spotlight on Research: Dr. Rory Sommers

The “Generous” Absentee Landlord – An excerpt from Rory Sommers’ PhD dissertation, “Governing Incivility: An Ethnographic Account of Municipal Law Enforcement, Urban Renewal and Neighbourhood Conflict in the City of Hamilton”. Rory successfully defended his dissertation at the… Read More

Community and Creativity: Sheridan Newcomer Access Project is up and running

Prof. Peter Grevstad‘s students in SOCS23314GD (Community and Creativity) have created a website for their initiative, #SNAP, the Sheridan Newcomer Access Project. Peter reports that the website is now up and running, and it offers profiles, like this… Read More

Spotlight on Research: Peter Grevstad on Joseph Boyden’s The Orenda

Editor’s Note: Alchemy is proud to present Peter Grevstad’s academic research paper, “Joseph Boyden’s Inconvenient Indian: knowledge production in postcolonial writing,” as our Spotlight on Research feature for Fall 2016. Peter completed this paper as part of his… Read More

Reminder: Sheridan Creates Returns on March 1, 2017

By Prof. Christian Knudsen (History) On March 1, 2017, Sheridan will hold its second annual Scholars, Creators and Innovators Conference, a day-long event meant to engage, celebrate and advance a range of scholarly, creative and research activities across… Read More

Staying Engaged: Sara J. Cumming, Ph.D: Professor, Community Activist, and, now, Conference Organizer

On May 29th, Sara Cumming flew to Calgary for what proved to be an academically engaged, community activism-strengthening and exercise-inducing week in the Rockies. The University of Calgary hosted the 2016 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences… Read More

Spotlight on Research: Prof. Nathaniel Barr on Creativity and Cognition

Nathaniel Barr joined The Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences as a Professor of Creativity and Creative Thinking in September 2015. Trained as a cognitive psychologist, his interests include perception, attention, memory, motivation, belief, reasoning, creativity, and the way that thinking interacts with technology. Nathaniel’s… Read More

FHASS Research Shines at Sheridan Creates

By Christian Knudsen On October 28th, Sheridan hosted its inaugural conference to showcase faculty research and creative activities entitled Sheridan Creates. The exciting day-long event during Reading Week celebrated and explored some of the cutting edge scholarship and… Read More

Spotlight on Research: “4 Pathways to a Creative Humanities” by Dr. Brandon McFarlane

At this fall’s Sheridan Creates day, Professor of Creativity Brandon McFarlane presented apaper entitled “4 Pathways to a Creative Humanities,” articulating a vision that combines the critical faculties so often celebrated in humanities disciplines with an emphasis on… Read More

Spotlight on Research: Rhythm and Melody behind the Visual Narrative: Reconstructing Cultural Memory from the Past

By Dr. Anna Boshnakova Recently, Dr. Anna Boshnakova was invited to take part in the 9th Symposium of the International Study Group on Music Archaeology (ISGMA) titled “Sound, Object, Culture, History”. As she gratefully acknowledges, her participation at… Read More