Poet Voice- Episode 9-Ampersand Review Issue 7 launch and Writing Resolutions

In this episode, I give a recap of the Ampersand Review’s Issue 7 launch at the Hazel McCallion Central Library and discuss the usefulness of writing resolutions or writing goals—at any time of year! To get us thinking about what we want to imagine for our writing, I read the poems “I am running into a new year” by Lucille Clifton and “Twelve Questions” by Bhanu Kapil.
Writing prompt: read through “Twelve Questions” again on your own and respond to any of the questions in a journal entry, a poem, or a short story. You might choose to answer one question, a few that call out to you, or all twelve. Taking inspiration from Lucille Clifton’s poem, try to let go of any preconceptions about what kind of writer you are, and instead follow where the poem or story wants to take you.