Poet Voice- Episode 4- Finding Your Voice
In this episode, I discuss the origins of the podcast name and the tongue-in-cheek idea of “Poet Voice,” as well as finding our voices as poets and writers, and how outside influences can impact emerging writers. I also read Michelle Brown’s poem, “Poet Voice” from her new collection, Swans, and give a few associated writing prompts.
Listen here:

- Try to write your own “Poet Voice” poem. What cliches about being a Poet might you embrace, reject, or play around with? Think both in terms of the speaker’s attitude and voice, as well as any formal decisions, such as Brown’s use of couplets and end-rhymes.
- Inhabit a voice that is not your own, or that you feel distanced from. This could be someone in your life such as family member, a friend, or even a pet, or perhaps a political figure or celebrity.
- For fiction, if you normally write in first person, try writing a story in third person. And if you typically write in third person, try writing in the voice of one of your characters.