Alchemy Quiz: Sheridan Acronym, Or Text Message Abbreviation?

What is your teenager talking about in text messages? What are we talking about at work? Which one should you be more worried about?

Half of the items on the following list are Sheridan; half are TXT MSG talk. Can you guess?

(Answers follow at the bottom of the article):1

  1. OTR
  2. NBD
  3. VPA
  4. 2G2BT
  5. AAQ
  6. OCLAS
  7. SRRO
  8. MTCU
  9. AYDY
  10. OTFL
  11. CIC
  12. PSB
  13. SAL
  14. TMOT
  15. IGN
  16. SRSLY









  1. Sheridan Acronyms: 1,3,6,7,8,11,12,14.
    Text Message Abbreviations: 2,4,5,9,10,13,15,16.