Meet Ashley Diana!
You might already have recognized Ashley because she has previously worked with Sheridan’s FHASS team in the summers of 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Ashley went abroad for University to a small town north-east of England called Sunderland. She graduated in 2020 from the University of Sunderland with a Master of Pharmacy Degree and is in the process of completing her conversion exams in Canada.
Ashley currently works part time at a pharmacy. When she isn’t working, she is spending her time running, studying, watching a Netflix show or with family or friends.
Ashley Answers our Questions:
Most important lesson I’ve learned this year: Trusting that everything will happen in divine timing. The Universe places certain challenges/gifts into your life at the right moments.
My favourite qualities in a student: Self-discipline.
Language I’d love to be able to speak: I love listening to Spanish music– and I really wish I could sing along properly and understand what the lyrics mean.
A country/place I’d like to visit: So many beautiful places in this world but at this moment I would love to go back to England. I had to leave England abruptly because of the pandemic and it was one of the hardest moments. England has grown to be my second home. I miss my favourite grocery store, my enthusiastic body pump coach, the old buildings, the culture, the quirky sayings, and my friends.
Moment in my life I’d like to re-live: My family has had some super fun weddings. I would love to go back and re-live some of them.
My favourite quotation, motto, or phrase: Nothing ever grows in a comfort zone.
My favourite food/meal: I’m always happy with a prosciutto sandwich.
My guilty TV/film/gaming pleasure: I love watching Survivor.