From the Dean’s (Home) Office

As we enter the Spring of 2021 and come to the end of an academic year unlike any other, it is my great pleasure to share with you this exciting edition of Alchemy. Despite the persistence of the continuously-evolving environmental conditions related to the pandemic, The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has had a busy and engaging term, and this issue provides an opportunity for us to share with you some of our accomplishments of the past four months. In this installment of our Faculty newsletter, cultivated by our ever-dedicated and creative editorial team, you’ll read about: two publications coming out of the CW&P program (which sees its first cohort of graduates who will be celebrated at the upcoming convocation); gamifying the ESL classroom; projects in Eco-Psychology; the work of our Creativity students; FHASS and SRCA awards; Jennifer Chambers’ publication with ACCUTE; the latest iteration of Sheridan Reads featuring the multi-talented Vivek Shraya…and more! On behalf of FHASS, we hope you enjoy this edition and extend to one and all best wishes for a safe, happy spring/summer.
–Sean McNabney