From the Dean’s Office…

Actually, from the Dean’s home office…
Greetings, colleagues, and welcome to a special “2020 Year-in-Review” issue of Alchemy.
The past year will not be easily forgotten, and is in many ways very likely to be seen in future accounts as a defining moment in human history. A global pandemic, compounded by a series of social and political upheavals, left many of us feeling in a state of protracted uncertainty and discombobulation, but I am extremely proud to say that throughout this tumultuous year The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences displayed the integrity, humanity, and creativity that is at the bedrock of our FHASS identity and navigated these environmental challenges with grace and aplomb. Students entered FHASS programs this past year placing their trust in us to deliver upon Sheridan’s promise of a premier education – a leap of faith undertaken by many who did not have any prior experience with digital learning – and our Faculty more than lived up to Sheridan’s promise. We heard loud and clear from our learners that, while maybe different in delivery than what they were used to, their FHASS classes offered a truly innovative learning experience and that their FHASS professors showed (even through the medium of online platforms) the ability to cultivate a human, compassionate connection.
In addition to moving ALL of the Faculty curriculum to remote delivery – from that of our core, self-contained programs to the countless cross-college electives we provide to all Sheridan students – FHASS continued to lead the way in liberal arts education. Alchemy’s stellar team ofeditors has curated here an issue that encapsulates the incredibly wide swath of activities, events, accomplishments and stories that characterized FHASS in a year unlike any other in our lifetime. On behalf of the entire Faculty: happy reading!
–Sean McNabney, Dean, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences