Welcome to Alchemy, Fall 2016

While trying to decorate the Christmas tree in FHASS, Raj Dhaliwal’s elf got himself tangled in the lights…
Welcome to the Fall 2016 issue of Alchemy, and to our nice, new online home! All current and past issues of Alchemy have been archived here on our new site, so please take a few minutes to explore the newsletter’s new interface. We hope it’s pretty straightforward.
Given the layout made possible by our new format, we will stop distributing the PDF newsletter version of Alchemy in addition to the online version. From now on, you will be able to read entire issues, as entire issues, by selecting the one you’re looking for from the dropdown menu under ‘Issues.’ Alternatively, you can search through the archive for current and older content in each of our sections (Features, Spotlight on Research, Intersections, Milestones, Cool Stuff, Student Spotlight, Faculty & Staff Spotlight, and The Hub) by selecting that section from the dropdown menu.

He’s making a break for it!
Finally, in response to our unscientific readership analytics, Alchemy will also be shifting our publication schedule from three to two issues per year, slated for publication in the latter weeks of the Fall and Winter semesters. The submission guidelines and deadlines will remain the same for these issues. Check out our ‘About Alchemy & Submissions’ tab for specifics.
We look forward to continuing to serve the FHASS and Sheridan communities with our new, sleeker, and easy-to-navigate platform.
Thanks for your submissions, your readership, and your support. Keep them coming!
Owen Percy (Editor)
Sarah Sinclair (Associate Editor)
Jennifer Phenix (Associate Editor)
Glenn Clifton (Associate Editor)