A question about SWFs from Terry Kostiw

My Dear Colleagues,

We need your input on this one. I admit, I’m a traditionalist — I still distribute paper copies of assignments and class material, use the telephone book and, at times, struggle to operate our TV remote. But I understand most are less reluctant to embrace modernity, and many faculty and your managers have expressed an interest in an electronic version of the SWF as opposed to a paper copy. While our CBA is not particularly helpful vis-à-vis the digital age, I would very much appreciate your input on this topic. Do you prefer electronic or paper SWFs? Or both? There are some procedural issues that would need to be worked out (i.e. WMG sign-off), but the first step is to assess whether there’s an appetite for change. As such, I’d love to hear your thoughts.  You can e-mail any of my accounts (Sheridan, G-mail, Local244 address), or send a message through SLATE, on paper or via carrier pigeon (just don’t bill the Union!). Better still, let’s go for coffee and embrace the dying art of in-person communication — even if it’s to discuss its depreciation.

Kindest regards, and best wishes for the remainder of the semester!


Chair, Workload Monitoring Group (Union)

  1. 2426. e. terry.kostiw[at]sheridancollege.ca