Poet Voice Episode 12: Ampersand Reading Series Re-Cap & Measures of Success

In this episode, I re-cap the March Ampersand Review Reading Series which featured guest authors Sam Shelstad and my Dead Writers collaborator Michael LaPointe. I describe the hilariously unhinged readings both authors gave, as well as the lively Q&A that followed, with candid advice on the writing life and what they consider to be measures of success. I read a segment of Sam Shelstad’s The Cobra and the Key and mention Michael’s upcoming Short Friday Classics series, hosted by the TPL over Zoom.

Listen here:

This week’s writing prompt:
Pretend that you woke up one morning from a nightmare where you could never write again. What is the poem or story you would put down on the page?

To look at it another way, if the world was ending and you could only leave behind one story, essay, or poem, what would it be?

Take 20 minutes and write whatever comes to mind.