Welcome 2022-2023 Writer in Residence: Naben Ruthnum

FHASS and CW&P are thrilled to welcome our 2022-2023 Writer-in-Residence, Naben Ruthnum!
Naben is the author of the novels A Hero of Our Time (2022), Helpmeet (2022), and the essay Curry: Eating, Reading, and Race (2017). He is the winner of the 2013 Journey Prize for his short story “Cinema Rex.” Under the pen name Nathan Ripley, he also writes thrillers: Find You In the Dark, and Your Life is Mine. Naben also writes for film and TV, making him an ideal mentor for CW&P students whose passions encompass a variety of styles and genres.
Naben has been hard at work since September, visiting classes, meeting with students, and running events. On November 15, Naben hosted an event with author Andrew F. Sullivan on the topic of Writing Across Genres, and spoke to a full house of CW&P students about the challenges of beginning and sustaining a writing career.

On November 17, Naben participated in an event with Professor Jessica Carey, Home, Cooked? A Conversation with Writer-in-Residence with Naben Ruthnum and Jessica Carey. The event discussed Naben’s book Curry: Eating, Reading, and Race and the Sheridan College Community Cookbook that Professor Carey edited during the pandemic.
Naben’s thoughtful analysis of the writing and publishing industries and his candid discussion of the challenges of the writing life are already proving valuable to students and faculty alike. Naben will be back with more events in the Winter semester, and is available to Sheridan community members for individual consultation about creative work.